After a false start of buying a Fuji X10 that turned out to have a faulty lens barrel, I returned it to the brilliant folks at Cameraworld in Wells Street today for replacement. They let me keep the charged battery from the faulty camera so I put a card in and started shooting on the way home with it. The shots below are nothing special and I'm still experimenting with the RAW files in Lightroom 4.4 to get a look I like. First impressions are good though, it's very well made and a delight to use. The AF is considerably faster than my X100 ever was and the image quality is better than I was expecting; obviously not as epic as the X100 was but noticeably better than anything my LX3 can produce. Once I've used it more in anger I'll add another post with further thoughts and pictures. I've no regrets about selling the X100 though; I now have a camera more suited to my needs and have £200 left over.